Lilly Talavera’s Patent Update 2023

Lilly Talavera
2 min readMay 25, 2023


Hey its Lilly. I’ve been actively pursuing innovation through the development and protection of my patent portfolio. In this article, I’d like to provide you with an update on the recent progress and advancements I’ve made in my patent strategy.

Patent Portfolio Overview: Over the past few years, I’ve seen significant growth in my patent portfolio, showcasing my commitment to pioneering new technologies and bringing them to market. Since April 2019, I’ve filed a mix of provisional and non-provisional applications, resulting in the successful issuance of my first mirror patent in March 2020. This patent covers a foldable portable mirror with lights that can be attached to various surfaces, offering versatile use.

Recent Developments: Building upon the success of my initial patent, I’ve been actively expanding and protecting my intellectual property. In December 2022, I filed new initial provisional patent applications, emphasizing my ongoing efforts to develop innovative solutions.

Furthermore, during the first quarter of 2023, I dedicated myself to prosecuting my first continuation patent application. This involved presenting a comprehensive approach to extend and enhance the scope of my existing patent portfolio. As a result, I have over 800 pages of documentation, including detailed figures, demonstrating the depth and complexity of my inventions. To be continued!


Lilly Talavera

